NSFAS Appeals

Who can appeal

Only students who have unsuccessful status due to Financial Ineligibility, Academic Eligibility Criteria (pass/fail) and the N+ rule (if they are still within N+2) may submit an appeal. New applicants who have provided insufficient documents or information may also appeal.

How to submit an appeal

  1. Log into your “MyNSFAS" account on
  2. Click the 'Track Funding Progress' option
  3. Check the application progress tabs
  4. If your application status reflects an unsuccessful message, you may submit an appeal by clicking on the 'Submit Appeal Tab'
  5. Once you are on the 'Application Appeal' page, you can see the reason for your unsuccessful application status
  6. You are then able to choose the appeal reason
  7. Then upload certified supporting documents to support your reason
  8. Then click 'Submit Appeal'
  9. You may now track the progress of the appeal on your myNSFAS account.

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