Unisa is the largest open distance learning institution in Africa and the longest standing dedicated distance education university in the world. They enrol nearly one-third of all South African students.
Closing date for applications to undergraduate qualifications for the 2024 academic year extended to 17 November 2023. College of Accounting Sciences and the College of Science, Engineering and Technology open until 31 January 2024.
Higher certificate courses
> Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences (APS: 14)
> Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education and Training (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (APS: 16)
> Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Banking (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Education Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase (APS: 18)
> Higher Certificate in Education Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching (APS: 18)
> Higher Certificate in Insurance (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Law (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Marketing (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Retailing (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management (APS: 15)
> Higher Certificate in Tourism Management (APS: 15)
How to apply
Applications will open on 21 August 2025